Workshop facilitator


I can help your product
to stand out.


Facilitation is core to all successful UX workshops. However, workshop facilitation can feel daunting, especially in the beginning. What does it mean? What are the goals? What should you be looking out for? These are natural, initial questions to ask yourself at the beginning of every workshop. It is the act of unobtrusively, objectively guiding a group to work together toward a common goal.

The role as a facilitator is to plan and lead activities and instructions to help the group achieve its best collective thinking. Facilitation is not about taking charge and dictating the outcome, but about allowing each participant to contribute fully and equally and facilitating a shared, collaborative outcome that is shared by the group. Objectivity is key; as a facilitator I operate from a neutral position - stepping back from my contributions and focusing solely on the group's process.

For the record: Workshops should not be confused with user research. The latter refers to interaction with participants during a usability test or other research activity involving users.

My job as a facilitator is not to personally generate a super creative idea, nor is it my job to make the right decisions. My job is to get the workshop participants to generate the best possible ideas and make the best possible decisions at the end.


My goals

  1. Full and equal participation

  2. Mutual understanding

  3. Inclusive and collaborative decision making

  4. Shared responsibility

My principles

  1. Always listening

  2. Creating an inviting space

  3. Welcome improvisation

  4. Authentic to you and your knowledge

  5. Avoid giving advice

  6. Embrace constructive conflict

The act of providing unobstructive, objective guidance to a group in order to collaboratively progress towards a goal.